Next: A Typical Lighting Hang
Up: Design
Previous: Focus Sheets
Several computer programs exist for aiding in the layout of lighting
instrument plots. Some of these programs even have advanced features
for rendering images of what scenes will look like when lit by
certain instruments. These packages can be a great aid to the
lighting designer by removing a lot of the tedium involved in
producing the necessary documents. They can also be of great aid to
the producer and production staff, by providing images of what the
lighting will look like long before a single instrument is hung. This
can be of enormous help to everyone working on the production staff,
as it helps bring everyone's vision closer together of what the
production will look like in the end.
This is especially useful in cases where automated fixtures are used.
A few companies produce powerful software that allow entire shows to
be laid out, programmed, and simulated ahead of time. Figures
5.32 and 5.33 show example screen shots
from such programs.
Figure 5.32:
A screen rendering from CAST Lighting's WYSIWYG automated
lighting fixture design program. Programs such as this allow CAD
drawings of the venue to be imported, over which lighting instruments
can be placed.
Figure 5.33:
Another screen shot from CAST Lighting's WYSIWYG
Next: A Typical Lighting Hang
Up: Design
Previous: Focus Sheets
Steve Richardson
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