Next: Cyclorama Lights
Up: Lighting Instruments
Previous: Lighting Instruments
The simplest type of instrument used in theatre is known as the scoop. It consists of simply an incandescent lamp mounted
inside of a large, parabolic metal reflector. The main use of a scoop is to
provide a very bright flood from a single source. Their application to
lighting the stage tends to be limited, but they can be very useful for
some types of effects lighting as well as cyclorama washes. Many scoops
have no provisions for color filters, but a sheet of color can be affixed
to the front of the instrument with gaffer's tape. This works as long as
the instrument doesn't need to be on for long periods of time, as the tape
tends to lose its grip when heated. A scoop is shown in figure
Figure 5.2:
Typical scoop, with no lamp installed.
Steve Richardson
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