Next: Crossovers
Up: Output
Previous: Power Amplifiers
The final element in a sound system is the loudspeaker. The purpose
of the speaker is to convert an electrical representation of
sound into mechanical vibrations. Many different types of
speakers exist, making choosing the right one for the job a difficult
task. Making the right choice involves balancing several factors
including size, sound quality, efficiency and power handling.
A typical speaker is made up of several components. One or more drivers are mounted in a cabinet, generally made out of wood or
plastic. There are many kinds of drivers, each suited to reproducing
a particular range of sound. Bass drivers (often called woofers) reproduce low sounds. Midrange drivers reproduce the sound
in the middle of the audible frequency spectrum. High-frequency drivers
(usually called tweeters) reproduce the top end of the audible
frequency spectrum. Some speakers contain two or three drivers that
can respond over much of the audible frequency spectrum. These
speakers are often called full-range speakers. Other designs
exist in which indivual cabinets house drivers, but the whole speaker
is not capable of reproducing the entire audible frequency range. For
example, it is common to find two-cabinet speaker setups. One cabinet
houses a tweeter and a mid-range driver, while a second cabinet houses
a woofer.
Figure 6.9:
A 3-way full-range speaker, manufactured by JBL.
Speakers can range in size from a boxes a few inches a side to boxes
and other shapes several feet per side. Generally cabinets that
handle bass are larger than those that handle mid-range or high
frequencies. High-powered mid-range and high drivers can be built
into fairly small packages separate from bass units. Units such as
this are becoming common in consumer audio, and have some application
to theatre audio. These so-called subwoofer/satellite systems
are ideal in some cases because they allow the relatively large
bass cabinets to be hidden, as bass frequencies tend to be
non-directional. The remaining satellite speakers are usually small
enough to be mounted in convenient, inconspicuous locations. Schemes
such as this are often preferred in theatre applications because having
large unsightly speakers flanking a proscenium stage is typically not
desirable. However, systems of this nature tend not to be able to
produce incredible amounts of volume, and they often do not sound as
good as other designs.
Next: Crossovers
Up: Output
Previous: Power Amplifiers
Steve Richardson
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