Next: Design
Up: The Set
Previous: Applying Paint
An important and occasionally ignored part of set design and
construction is properly setting up the draperies (sometimes
called soft goods). There are many types of draperies, each
with a specific purpose. Figure 3.5 shows most types.
Figure 3.5:
The various types of draperies used in theatre.
The cyclorama (cyc) is the drape that is used behind the
set. It is usually made out of a medium-weight white or baby blue material.
Special lights are usually aimed at the cyclorama to provide a variety
of colorful backgrounds, which are often used as skies or horizons in
productions. True cycloramas are U-shaped, and cover the left, right
and upstage parts of the stage. At WPI, the proper U-shaped curtain
tracks for cycloramas are not installed, so the cyclorama is usually
flown flat.
Legs are used to mask offstage areas from sight. They are flown
at different heights and locations to conceal offstage space,
equipment, etc. Borders are used to mask parts of the rigging
system and to trim the sightlines such that only the set may be seen
by the audience. Often there are several borders (occasionally called
teasers), used for masking off other fly system battens from
audience view. A traveler is a type of curtain that moves along
a track. Often they are used as main curtains for stages and are
configured such that one operating line moves curtains from each side
of the stage simultaneously. Lastly, some theatres have valences, which are simply dressings used outside of travelers or
other main curtains. However, WPI's Alden Hall does not have one of
these draperies.
Next: Design
Up: The Set
Previous: Applying Paint
Steve Richardson
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