Next: Signal Processing
Up: Designing the Sound System
Previous: Designing the Sound System
The inputs to a sound system will vary from
production to production. Productions can demand a wide
variety of components such as wireless body microphones for key actors,
offstage microphones for ``disembodied voice'' effects, CD players for
music, a computer or digital sampler for effects playback, etc. Once
all of the sounds have been gathered and discussions have been had
with the production design team, the audio designer should have a
reasonably good idea about what types of inputs are needed.
The choice of CD player generally matters little, as even the cheapest produce
reasonably good sound. Better models allow programming and auto-cue
features, which make running a show manually off of a CD player much
easier. Try to choose a model with so-called ``direct access''
features that allow any track to be called up by typing its number,
rather than having to skip through all tracks to reach a later track.
Standard consumer CD players generally have these features and will do
the job nicely. In cases where computer automation is being used,
computer-based CD-ROM drives are often used in place of discrete CD
players. Some automation packages, such as SMsurround, can
support an unlimited number of individual and multi-disc CD-ROM
drives, making the audio operator's job very easy if many CDs need to
be dealt with.
The choice of standard microphones for vocals is largely a subjective
matter. Different microphones have different characteristics and
will make people sound different. When in doubt, the old standby, the
Shure SM-58 will usually do the job well. Smoother response can
be had when working with female voices if a microphone such as the
Beyerdynamic M-88 is used, but this is quite subjective. If
wireless microphones are to be used, they should be the true-diversity type as they are much less susceptible to
interference. The design should place the wireless receivers as close
to where they will be used as possible, and as far away from other
electrical equipment as possible.
In situations where a computer or sampler are to be used, there are
numerous choices to be made. Often what is used is simply what is
available. It should be noted that inexpensive computer sound cards
will yield less-than-satisfactory results, as they have a tendency to
produce a lot of hiss and distorted sound. Generally, as the cost of
a sound card increases, it can generally be expected that the sound
quality will increase as well. Digital samplers are available with
many different features and sound qualities. If a sampler is going to
be used for a show, the audio design should specify what type of
sampler, or at the very least what sorts of features are needed.
Figure 6.16:
A diagram of the input section of the audio system for the
1995 WPI Masque production of King Henry V, designed by the
Next: Signal Processing
Up: Designing the Sound System
Previous: Designing the Sound System
Steve Richardson
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