Next: Power Protection
Up: Power
Previous: Power Feeds
A given theatre production will often call for many types of devices
to be connected to the power source. Some of these devices, such as
dimmer racks, are usually fitted with high-capacity power connectors
such as Cam-Loks. This makes sense, as a rack of dimmers has the
potential to draw a large amount of current. However, other devices such as
small dimmer modules, chain motors (used for lifting lighting trusses
and speakers), audio amplifiers, and other equipment tend not to
connect directly to Cam-Loks. This is where power distribution
boxes (distros) come in handy.
A distro takes a high-capacity or medium-capacity power feed and
splits it into several lower-capacity feeds. For example, distros
that have have three-phase Cam-Loks for inputs and several edison,
twist-lock, and other types of outputs are frequently found.
Sometimes larger distros will have medium-capacity feeds on them, such
as MDS connectors.
Figure 7.4:
A power distro with several types of outputs. Three phase
Cam-Lok connectors feed the tap. Several circuits are wired from
these, providing single-phase twist, edison and MDS circuits as well as
three-phase twist-lock circuits.
Most distros provide circuit breakers, much like permanent power
panels. These are to protect from current overload on the
low-capacity circuits. Again, they also provide convenient switches for
enabling and disabling circuits, which can be very useful for safety
at times. It is common practice to disable circuit breakers for
dangerous equipment such as chain motors when the equipment is not being used.
When a lock is applied to the front cover of the distro
it makes it difficult for those who are not authorized to use equipment.
Figure 7.5:
A small power distro fed by an MDS feed. One phase provides
about 60 amps of current, divided into several edison and twist-lock
Next: Power Protection
Up: Power
Previous: Power Feeds
Steve Richardson
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