Next: Speaker-Level
Up: Cabling and Connectors
Previous: Cabling and Connectors
Many different connectors and cables are used for line-level signals.
All good line-level cabling is what is known as shielded cable.
A braid or wrap of wire around a center conductor in a cable serves to
help stop electrostatic and electromagnetic noise from entering the
cable. Electromagnetic noise is emitted from several devices commonly
found in a theatre situation, such as fluorescent lighting, lighting
dimmers, and electric motors.
There are two types of line-level cables used in audio systems --
balanced and unbalanced. Most consumer hi-fi equipment is
unbalanced, meaning the signal is carried on only one wire of a cable.
In an unbalanced cable, the shield is used as a return path for the
signal, while the center conductor carries the signal. Most professional
sound equipment offers balanced connections, which are carried on two
wires of a cable. Each wire carries a copy of the audio signal, but
one is at the opposite polarity than the other. Balanced cables are
far less prone to picking up interference, thus their appearance on
professional gear, where cable runs may exceed hundreds of feet.
A few types of connectors are used on cables to connect equipment
together. The most common types are the XLR cable and the 1/4 inch phone plug. Each can be used to carry balanced or
unbalanced signals. Another type of connector sometimes used is the
RCA phono connector. This connector is the standard used to
interconnect consumer hi-fi gear, but is rarely found on professional
equipment. RCA connectors can only carry unbalanced signals. Figure
6.11 shows the different types of audio connectors.
Figure 6.11:
Various line-level audio connectors.
Cable that has a male XLR connector at one end and a female XLR at the
other is most commonly referred to as mic cable, simply because
that's what it's most often used for. Other variations exist, such as
male XLR to male phone plug, female phone plug to male phono plug,
etc. These types of cables are referred to as adapters, converters, or at WPI, funnies. Finding all of the appropriate
cables to hook the line-level components of a system together can
sometimes be a challenge, and one should feel some sense of
accomplishment after doing so. Often finding the required cables is
more of a challenge than actually hooking up the system!
Often times it is necessary to carry a large number of separate audio
signals a substantial distance. While it is possible to run several
lengths of individual cables, this is less than convenient. For this
reason, multicore snakes have been developed that carry anywhere
from a few to forty or more signals. These cables are essentially several
individually shielded cables bundled together. Most snakes have one
end that is a box with panel-mounted connectors, such as the one shown
in figure 6.12. The other end is generally a mass of
wires and connectors, and is called the tail end of the snake.
The tails of a typical snake are shown in figure
6.13. Snakes are extremely useful for carrying
signals from several microphones and other equipment located on a
stage or remote location to a sound console.
Figure 6.12:
The box end of an audio snake. Thirty two XLR channels
(typically used as inputs to a sound board) are available, as are
six XLR/phone plug channels (often used as sends from the sound board).
Typically this is the end placed on or near the stage.
Figure 6.13:
The tails of an audio snake. These connectors are typically
connected to the inputs and outputs of a sound board.
Next: Speaker-Level
Up: Cabling and Connectors
Previous: Cabling and Connectors
Steve Richardson
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