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In order for the lighting designer to communicate to the electrician's
crew the placement and electrical connection of the lighting
instruments, an instrument plot is created. This plot shows the
type, location, circuit, color, and focus area for each instrument
used. The most common type of plot is a top-down view, as shown in
figure 5.25.
Figure 5.25:
An portion of a lighting plot, showing the key and some of the
instruments. This is the instrument plot from the 1994 WPI Masque
production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
The symbols used for lighting instrument plots have been standardized
by the USITT (United States Institute of Theatre Technology).
Symbols exist for almost every type of lighting instrument used in a
theatre setting. Templates are available to aid lighting designers in
creating pencil-and-paper instrument plots. Additionally,
computer-based templates are available for LDs who use CAD packages to
create their lighting designs. Figures 5.26
through 5.30 show most of the USITT standard
instrument plot graphics.
Figure 5.26:
The USITT lighting graphic standards for lensless instruments.
Figure 5.27:
The USITT lighting graphic standards for PAR cans.
Figure 5.28:
The USITT lighting graphic standards for fresnel spotlights.
Figure 5.29:
The USITT lighting graphic standards for ellipsoidals.
Figure 5.30:
The USITT lighting graphic standard for instrument notation on a
lighting plot.
Next: Focus Sheets
Up: Lighting Design Paperwork
Previous: Shop Order
Steve Richardson
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