Next: Shackles, Turnbuckles and Hooks
Up: Common Rigging Hardware
Previous: Wire Rope
Figure 4.3:
Correct and incorrect methods for using clips and thimbles on wire
rope. The saddle of the clip rests against the ``live'' portion of the wire
rope while the U-bolt rests on the short, ``dead'' portion of the wire
rope. Using clips improperly severely weakens the connection, making
it unsafe. Remember: never saddle a dead horse.
When working with wire rope, it is extremely important that several
guidelines are followed with regards to termination. Any time the
wire rope needs to be attached to a hang point that would cause the
cable to sharply bend, a device called a thimble must be used.
Thimbles simply guide the cable into a natural curve shape and offer a
degree of protection to the cable in the loop. To secure the end of
the rope, wire rope U-clips are used. These clips provide an
effective means for terminating cables, but must be used properly to
be fully effective. Figure 4.3 shows correct and
incorrect methods for applying these clips.
The correct sequence for applying U-clips to a piece of wire rope are
described below:
- Turn back the appropriate amount of cable from the end of the
piece being worked on. This amount varies with the diameter of the
wire rope, but is typically from 12 to 18 inches.
- Apply the first clip nearest the very end of the cable. Always
leave a couple of inches of extra cable beyond the clip. Be sure to
apply the clip properly -- the U-bolt goes around the dead end
of the cable, while the saddle goes around the live end.
Tighten the nuts on the U-clip evenly, and to the torque recommended
by the clip manufacturers.
- If a thimble is being used, insert it into the loop, and then
apply the second clip in the same fashion as the first, but only
finger tighten the nuts.
- Apply additional clips evenly between the first two clips. Two
clips are usually sufficient for wire rope under 1/2 inch, but three
are often used for safety. Wire rope of diameter 3/4 inch or greater
requires four or more clips.
- Tighten all clips to the recommended torque. Apply the load and
re-tighten the clips. This re-tightening is important, as wire rope
tends to shrink in diameter as load is applied.
Another method for securing the ends of wire rope is through the use
of swages, or nicopress sleeves. Small metal sleeves are
pressed on to the wire rope with a special tool. These sleeves are
permanent, but act much in the same way that clips do. When properly
applied, swages can hold the full rated working load of the cable they
are attached to.
Next: Shackles, Turnbuckles and Hooks
Up: Common Rigging Hardware
Previous: Wire Rope
Steve Richardson
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