Mira Semblas
(redirected from Totj.Mira)
Nice girl. Good with technology. Always getting herself blown up.
She was given a Resurrection Parasite by Bellisarius himself. This caused her to become one of his lieutenants when she died? on Coruscant. Since then, she has been known to be subtly working to moderate the New Sith Empire's research wing. It is unknown if she survived the Dark Swarm.
One of J'ror's cronies.
Results of search for "Mira" :
- Main /
- AllRecentChanges
- Totj /
- 20030506
- 20030513
- 20030520
- 20030520PBEM
- 20030527
- 20030527PBEM
- 20030603PBEM
- 20030610
- 20030610PBEM
- 20030617
- 20030617PBEM
- 20030624
- 20030701
- 20030701Misc
- 20030708
- 20030715PBEM
- 20030930
- 20040120
- 20040127
- 20040427
- 20040504
- 20040511
- 20050809
- 20051213
- 20060117
- Aelyn
- CapShipIntroduction
- ControlDisease
- DramatisPersonae
- ErrskEktvo
- ForceAbilities
- InitiativeBonuses
- Intermission
- Mentors
- Mira
- MiraSemblas
- Niniane
- OfficerOfTheUnknownParts
- RecentChanges
- ResurrectionParasite
- ShipsCrew
- SigilOfShanara
- TimelineOfEvents
- Villains