9.26.4786 Republic Reckoning

Altair agreed to delay his departure for 45 minutes and would wait to see the what information Igashu could provide. To'iir gave up the key to J'ror's place and Igashu and Davin hurried off to dig up anything they could find on Vraile's reassignment. Elbram tagged along as far as the train station, but waited behind so that he could let To'iir back into the corporate sector when she got there. The two scoured J'ror's email and local files finding nothing related to what they were looking for. A quick call To J'ror's replacement got them access to the file. While waiting for it to arrive though, another interesting email popped into the inbox. from one Mira Semblas, everyone's favorite paranoid ex-"Image Werks" animator. Seems she's in trouble and looking for help. So off to the rescue goes Igashu, leaving Davin behind to deal with the computer stuff. Elbram and To'iir arrived just when Igashu was exiting, so Elbram tags along with Igashu, and To'iir went to supervise Davin, who seems to have a bad habit of fat fingering the delete keys.

Some Sense checks, and running ensued. It seems Mira was being chased by 4 force sensitives. Strange... they didn't feel nearly so large and oppressive and the big evil Sith Corporate Execs, so we figure they have henchmen doing their dirty work. We figured that was better for us, since we're a bit scared by the big boys, and ran off for the rescue. Mira seemed to have jumped down and turbo-lift shaft, and the 4 were following in a turbo-lift of their own. Unfortunately the lifts had stopped responding so... more running. Due to different running Speeds Igashu and Elbram became separated along the way. Elbram met up with Davin and Quindo, and reached the floor Mira had landed on first. They determined she was fleeing along an arcing passage way, and headed off in the opposite direction in hope of meeting her sooner. Igashu arrived shortly after, and took off along Mira's direct path. Davin's group of course met Mira first, and some of the guards. Much blaster fire occurs, and Mira ducks out a side door rather than staying to figure out if we're on her side. Going around the other way, Igashu get's ambushed by two hiding guards. They order him to stop, he keeps running. They fire, he reflects blaster bolts back at each of them. One takes the return in the head, and dies instantly. The second is barely phased as his armor seems to take most of the blast. Mean while, Davin demonstrates his new ability to telepathically communicate with the tower's mainframe, and locks the reinforcements in the elevator and sends them to the roof. Quindo has some fun with Telekinesis and pulls guns out of the remaining guard's hands. Igashu has some trouble with the remaining guard, unable to destroy his blaster weapon, he tries to intimidate him into leaving. Unfortunately while distracted he gets shot in the back by a guard retreating from the other group. Fortunately he manages to A/D most of the energy, and is only stunned. The remaining troops flee the 4 students who chase off after Mira and try to disappear into a crowd.

A little deduction leads the group first into the side room Mira ducked into, then through the hole she cut in the floor, the out of the apartment she landed in, and finally into the crowd around the train. Assuming she's trying to flee and she either is taking the train or rented a group vehicle the group decided to search the area around the train. After all, if she had rented the ground vehicle she was already gone. Luck or the Force lent a hand, and Mira literally bumped right into Igashu. A bit of fast talking convinced her not to run away and the group boarded the train with her. Telepathic communication with To'iir revealed that they had all presumably been fired, as their accounts were disappearing, as was J'ror's. She was in for a bit of trouble herself, so the group decided to try and meet her at her ship and broke contact so that she could concentrate on more immediate concerns. Amazing how all that debating and planning was shattered and thrown in the trash with a few minutes of action.

Only slightly less amazing is the ability of bad guy's in charge mega-corps to throw hoards of security at anything in their home turf. We boarded the train all right... but then it got stopped by at least 20 force sensitive guards, claiming to be looking for terrorists. Where do they get all these force sensitive cronies!? The Jedi have apparently cut back on funding to the recruitment offices. Anyway after convincing some people to not notice us, we popped open a door and snuck out onto the tracks. Davin, who was unusually useful last week, got us into the train tunnel where we stole a maintenance vehicle and drove to the next nearest tower. Lucky for us, the corps. take their territory very seriously, and pursuit at this point is unlikely. The group finally gets to relax a bit on a train ride.... not so good for Igashu though, as he relaxes into the realization of what he's done. He's the first character to be responsible for a killing a living being... traumatic I'm sure.

Will the Igashu fall to the dark side now that he's a killer? Will Mira actually be helpful? Will Davin delete something else important?