May 20 2003 PBEM

9.26.4786 Republic Reckoning

When last we looked our intrepid adventurers were safely resting in the train as it carried them out of Santaros Corp's (and therefore Dormamu's) reach. Igashu comes to the slow realization that he's killed... it's his first time, any of the characters have done so. As is becoming tradition, debate rages on and a log can be found here

In a strange twist of fate, To'iir was captured while the oft bumbling students escaped with Mira. In an even more bizarre twist To'iir with a cryptic explanation by a young male soldier bearing a slight resemblance to Igashu and name tag of "Dormamu". "Even in our enemy we can find reflections of ourselves." Does this have some significance that we don't quite grasp yet? or is he just saying thank's for not killing us when you could have. Could even be both... time will tell.

With To'iir back, we decide to take one last strike at Santaros in an attempt to find out what Dormamu is up to. To'iir presents the kids with unpolished saber crystals. Igashu is super excited for a chance to finally build his own... especially since his loaner has been returned. Mira agree's she can sneak in and set up a remote connection to the Santaros network, but she'll have to run immediately. After that it will be up to Davin to make the system his b1tch and grab everything he can. To'iir and Mira go shopping for the gear Mira will need to sneak in and setup the remote connection. Elbram, Davin, and Igashu hit the library for some research while they wait. Quindo, against Igashu's advice, decides to write a warning to Dormamu the soldier. Assuming that he is the son of Alexandra Dormamu, suspected evil sith witch and head of Santaros, that his mom is up to no good. Unfortunately not much is found. Finally, Mira and Davin are set. Igashu begins work on his saber, Quindo trains, Elbram meditates... the tension and anticipation are at all time highs! well not really, not even close... But Mira is successful! Davin impresses us again with his 1337 5|<1||z and manages to grab data on financials, personal transfers, hirings and firings, and such.

Yay we got the files! Crap they're encrypted and Davin forgot to snag the key before he got booted from the system... Luckily for us Mira is an encryption/decryption wiz. So out shopping to get highly caffeinated fuel for Mira so that she can work her magic. Davin picks up some books and tries to learn a bit about cryptography, and the other's go to sleep. Igashu begins his efforts to learn how to cook by becoming the mysterious midnight chef who bakes breakfast at midnight. Early in the AM Mira cracks the code! Yay there is much rejoicing. Davin is instructed to write the program to decrypt all the files, now that the code is broken, but is too tired having stayed up all night. Igashu lends a hand and writes something that doesn't quite work... but it's a good starting point for Davin when he wakes up in the afternoon. After a few hours we have our data!

So after everyone digs through the data we find that Vraile was transfered to Geo-research on Praxus. Which happens to be near three mysterious systems on the rim where Dormamu seems to have diverted large amounts of money and resources. The closest of which is P3x259. So off we go, to find out what Dormamu is up to... and since Vraile is supposed to be out that way maybe we'll run into J'ror again.

Go back to May 13 2003.
Got to May 27 2003.