Dramatis Personae

The Screwups Heroes:
The PCs of our little game. Constantly outgunned, outnumbered, and often outsmarted. It's a miracle any of them have survived, let alone saved the universe from being frozen in an eternity of pain.

The Mentors:
Some NPCs controlled by our GM, Adrian. These characters are alternately loved and hated. They challenge the PCs to better themselves, teach our heroes new skills, and send our group of misfits out to get into trouble.

The Villains:
No game is complete without wackos trying to rule the Galaxy or destroy the known universe. These would be the ones we've faced. Some are dead, some escaped, and others have been turned back from that dark path.

The Riffraff:
Those who don't fit into any of the above categories... council members, ship captains, and so on.

The Droids:
Machines along for the ride... the party likes having companions who can get killed without inducing guilt (from anyone other than Tzin).

The Ships:
In a world such as theirs, the ships the heros travel on are as much characters as any of the other NPCs?. The look, smell, and shape of a ship tells the audience and the group's reaction to the same is as revealing as the interactions of the PCs? with the council.

The Beasts:
Sometimes, it's easier to have an animal to ride than any technological item. They also reproduce and don't break down as much.