
Jedi Misfits
Name Type Introduction Notes Status
Frying Pan? Refugee Transport? ? A ticket off Aysemius Active
Lunatic Fringe? Light Freighter? 6.25.86 To'iir's Ship Crashed on THX1138
Misplaced Hope? Scout 2.26.87 To'iir's Ship ?
Fool's Errand? Light Freighter 5.23.87 Captured by Republic, on loan Abandoned on Byzantine
Onyx Falcon Sith Courier 6.10.87 Stolen from Byzantine Crushed by Rhelta
12 sleepless knights Unique Maser Cap Ship 3.18.88? Custom built under Tzin's direction to combat Bellisarius Handed over to Republic Fleet
MV246VJ8573A Medium-Range Scout 8.34.88 Bought and Paid For at Falleen Active
Chance Encounter Medium-Range Scout 1.15.89 J'ror's Ship, on loan Active
Memories Not Yet Experienced? Light Freighter? ??? J'ror's Ship ??
Kauri Princess cruise ship 6.20.87 ? Crashed

Fringe Space
Name Type Introduction Notes Status
Hobson's Choice Republic courier ship? ? Given to us by Takane Kingston Sold on Giju
Blood Price ? Former pirate vessal, boarded and captured single-handedly by Kurgan Active