Republic Reckoning 6.20 -> 6.24.87

We leave Tion on board the Kauri Princess. We present Arvandus "Archie" Quesnel as the aging patriarch, with Christene "Ms. Voltare" as the devoted neice, Igashu "Marcus" as her lawyer/financial advisor, and Quindo "Jon" as Arvandus' personal physician. With several weeks journey ahead of us, we settle into ship board life.

Quindo takes Arvandus to the ship's doctor "Dr. Mowadan" for a check up with more sophisticated equipment. Quindo explains that it is a brain infection from an archaeological dig. The scan reveals strange metallo-organic fibers in the brain and extensive surgery and lesions in the brain. All in all, they spend about 6 hours compiling data.

Igashu wanders the ship looking for plot hooks. He meets Jacen Harrik from Tion, a businessman in Industrial Valve Manufacturing. He's looking to expand his business coreward. He seems preoccupied with a married? couple dressed in the latest Coruscant Fashions. He meets a creepy alien on the Shopping Level named Stalks who's "looking for a deal". He meets a gambler named Vasp. Igashu joins a group playing Wallball and learns the game quickly. One of the players is Senator Petothal from Coruscant. She was the well dressed woman that Jacen seemed interested in. She invited Igashu to dinner.

We all go to dinner at Xerrol's (on the Lido deck). Arvandus throws a tantrum for Coffee so we give him 3 Espressos. Then he starts doing the pee dance. Quindo spends most of the night just looking after Arvandus. Igashu meets back up with his Wallball partners. We give them our cover story and they don't seem to care one way or the other. We all sit discussing the Hutt war and slave trade. Arvandus gets a Kiddie Meal.

Igashu explains the real cause behind the Hutt war: Student Jedi being used as a convenient excuse, Dormammu's bid for power, the whole detailed mess.

Senator - "How do you come by this information?"
Igashu - "I have a childhood friend who joined the Order."
Christene - "There are reports on record with the Order. These Students apparently filed VERY thorough reports."

Senator - "There are certain situations in the galaxy that REQUIRE the Jedi."
Igashu (thinking) - "Yeah... like Wallball"

We contine with dinner and discussion turns to Tion Independence, which is a sticky situation, but we don't really care.