Republic Reckoning 5.17.87

After escaping from Nantel with the Princess in tow, we rendevous with a Shinjo carrier called Yamamoto. The carrier is damaged and does not have hyperdrive or long range comms. The Carrier is running silent in the Trojan point of one of the gas giants anyway to avoid detection and mine for materials for repair. The hyperdrive is virtually irrepairable and we're basically stuck here until the Republic shows up. Also, there is a danger from comms because of Sith Viral Communications during the battle that caused severe friendly fire casualties and shut-downs.

Without much to do, Quindo and Chris go EVA in Marine Space Armor ro help mine nearby asteroids for ore. Mostly they help set up portable automated plants consisting of mining droids and a solar paowered smelter. The Carrier speeds the process by directing low powered laser attacks from their cannons at the solar panels. This takes several days. Elbram guards the Princess while Aegon tries to help coordinate the resistance.

Republic Reckoning 5.22.87

Quindo gets fed up with waiting and goes to Aegon to demand a Plan Of Action! Currently the plan is to get the Princess to the Republic and then come back for Brojen. Quindo wonders "What would J'ror do?" Probably something with nukes.

Republic Reckoning 5.23.87

The Carrier finally breaks orbit and burns fast outsystem to meet the Republic 5th Fleet. The Republic helps repair the Yamamoto. The Princess decides to become the Empress and lead her people out of bondage and Elbram stays behind as her bodyguard. Aegon also stays with the Yamamoto. Quindo and Chris want to stay too, but the Jedi Council have sent representatives with the Fleet and they need us for some stupid mission. We refuse to go while Brojen and Igashu are still missing. They assue us that Igashu seems to have left Nantel already of his own free will and a strike team is on its was to get Brojen as we speak. We eventually agree.

The Jedi: There are two Jedi Representatives on board the Flagship of the 5th Fleet. One is a Duros named Mezeril who is tall and thin, with a burnished metal lightsaber. She's the Official Jedi Liason to the 5th fleet. The other is Arvandus. He's apparently been working with the Electronic Warfare Division to come up with ways to fight the Sith Battle Droids.

Anyway. The Council have discovered that Bellisarius' main staging area is MZ301? (Byzantine), on the far side of Hutt Space. The Republic have captured a supply freighter full of Battle Droids and is studying them. Outsystem recon data shows heavy industrial activity on the planet. Bellisarius is also using slave labor from over 20 captured Hutt worlds.

The Mission: Go to Byzantine in the captured freighter with Arvandus and gather info and planetary recon data. Sabotage Bellisarius' staging area if possible, but the main mission is info. Pinpoint weak areas and important buildings or distribution centers for orbital attack.

We rendevous with eements of the 2nd fleet and are given 6 hours to prepare before we take the captured freighter and leave for Byzantine. We private call our ship the "Fool's Errand?". We spend 8 days in hyperspace practicing and training. We learn Warp Matter and some droid programming, as well as data on ways to disable the Sith Droids. Quindo tries to devise a means to protect his lightsaber from Cortosis.

Republic Reckoning 5.32.87

Arvandus handles the comms. We arrive at Byzantine without incident. We notice terraforming machines and massive industrial infrastructure on our way in.

To be continued....