
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.
--from the Jedi code

For Centuries before the Republic formed, the group of philosophers that would one day become the Jedi studied the Force and its mysteries. Eventually, some of the group mastered elements of its use and began training others in the secrets of the Force. Dedicating their powers to the greater good, they allied themselves with the growing Republic as the best hope for a peaceful galactic government, acting as protectors, lawmen, mediators, teachers, and a force for Justice in the galaxy. The Jedi became a symbol of the best the Republic had to offer.

While never a true part of the Republic bureacracy, the Jedi operated under their Jedi Council and in close cooperation with the office of the Chancellor. While the Republic bureaucracy was as plagued with scandal and deceit as any government, the Jedi strove to rise above and were seen as the guardians of justice for all, not just the ruling elite. The Jedi defended the republic against the Sith and other challenges over the millenia.

Though the Jedi defended the Republic against all threats, they grew complacent and did not notice a rot beginning from within. Jedi were often used as political pawns, restoring order instead of mediating circumstances and eventually becoming tied in with the Galactic Civil War as a separatist movement attempted to seceede from what was increasingly viewed as an unwieldy and corrupt Republic. Public perception changed from awe and adoration to disgust and hatred as the Jedi were associated with the hordes of faceless Stormtroopers that crushed opposition to the Republic. As the Emperor began eradicating them, the people the Jedi were sworn to protect had no protest against the elitist group, seeing them as too withdrawn and domineering.

The years of the Empire were dark for Jedi indeed. Only a handful survived the purges, waiting in hiding and the Emperor Palpatine casting a shadow across the galaxy. But a careful plot of the survivors was able to bring about the downfall of the Emperor, but only a few untrained Jedi remained. Without its protectors, could the Republic rise again?