(thumbnail sketch pending later fleshing out from the gamenotes)

The session started with our heros separated in two vessels on the far side of the Kathol Rift.

While many party members were still having strange dreams involving insects, as a result of a botched roll the previous week, Tzin had it especially bad... and the dreams didn't go away as soon as the group left the Rift.

After establishing telepathic contact between Quindo and Igashu, who were on different ships, it was possible to establish a mutual frame of reference. This region of space is very poorly charted... and with the Kathol Rift between the band and the rest of the galaxy, there were perhaps 50 stars visible in a darkened cockpit. It took a while (2 days) to agree on the right star and jump to it, and since both ships were jumping with instinctive astrogation, they did not arrive in the same spot.

Both groups started surveying the system passively with sensors. Quindo had little luck in scanning the system, but Tzin saw that there was indications of republic and/or sith vessels around both of the gas giants in the system. There were also two asteroid fields and a single habitable rocky planet. Using both gas giants and their rotation around the sun to define a unique coordinate system, Tzin relayed a set of coordinates through the Igashu-Quindo buddy-phone.

Igashu revealed he had a data crystal (originaly intended for J'ror) which recorded this system and its worlds... although one gas giant was missing from the 1000 year old survey data. That was pretty much impossible... but Tzin suggested it might be due to the presence of the swarm in the system. (Scary thought.)

The group eventually transfered over into J'ror's ship (the Chance Encounter), and moved the super weapons Tzin had been building based on Aenea's plans onto the more spartan medium range vessel. Tzin also deleted the plans from the fabber on J'ror's ship, swapped out one of the buffers with a spare component, and destroyed the original. He hid several of his 'decoy' plans which were inherently dangerous to build and opperate... and would do little of use... on J'ror's ship. Once on the Chance Encounter, T'zin calculated a jump to the trojan point of the outer gas giant which was closer to the inner giant so that the group could listen to coms traffic.

There was a great deal of un-encrypted comm chatter, including a bunch of ship names. The list, as Tzin had guessed, was mostly made up of ships that had gone looking for The Prophet (Nakail).

Several minutes later, a light picket vessel jumped in and broadcast a hail through the asteroid field. After a short exchange (during which the group got the rest of a total of 10 minutes of in-the-clear comm traffic before the ships had gone to entirely laser-based communications... speed of light is why they got 10 mintutes worth), the group identified themselves as the Misfits and agreed to fly in to the rocky body. They asked the picket to include a message for 'Nakail' from them.

Two hours into the in-system flight, they recieved new instructions with hyperspace coordinates for a jump to the terestrial body. The group jumped in to find Nakail's personal cap ship 500 meters away. It instructed the Chance Encounter to follow xyz course to the planet, until 'The Tower' took over.

On the way to the ground, the group saw a dropped pre-fabricated sith base, an ascient city which was in ruins, and a set of living-bone spires. Nakael's palace was apparently set up inside the spire.

The Misfits were met on the ground by 6 sith in full body armor as well as a familiar female robed figure... Mira, it seems, had fallen to the dark side and sought out Nakael.

Mira led the troupe to their guest quarters, which had clearly been set up with care. Tzin had a computer in his room, Christine's room included a series of dark red velvet robes, Igashu's room had a selection of perfectly tailored suits, Quindo's room was larger and set up for training etc.

The group wandered the area for a time... Quindo found at least one area where he wasn't allowed to go. The residential area was on the second level. Much of the first level was classrooms for sith (a mini-praxia of evil) as well as meeting halls. The third level was one huge library, and was filled with actual books. (It mostly dealt with technology and history... many of hte books were written in Sith.)

Finally, everyone was called to dinner in the main banquet hall. There were approx. 50 sith present, but none of them were known. Quindo projected force to give them an uneasy feeling... one of the Sith masters returned the favor. It was a very segrigated boys/girls (lightside / darkside) 'middle school dance' affair until one or two sith were goaded by their fellows into mingling. The booze was good, or so Tzin was told.

A gong was rung, and The Prophet was announced. Apparently all of the sith in the room knew to expect a prophecy of some kind...

(Exact wording is lost to the haze of memory, but here are some highpoints)

  • The dark swarm is a threat to the entire galaxy, and if something isn't done there will be nothing worth conquering.
  • Stated that the folk assembled here were the chosen/self-elected representatives of the Republic/Jedi, Tion Hegemony, and Sith Empire. (He does not state that all three gov'ts don't really approve of this collaboration or the Prophet).
  • The dark swarm was created by 'you know who' (Tzin guessed Laut, correctly?), but they were not capable of controlling it.
  • Nakael summoned folk to help him negotiate with the Shadows. (Christine and Aenea stepped forward... Quindo followed Aenea bodyguard-fashion)
  • We will help the Shadows cross over in return for their help in overcoming the Swarm. We will guard them as they make their transition... and if nessisary (if they double-cross us) we will destroy them.
  • (Playing to the mostly-sith audience) After we get rid of the swarm, we will make the galaxy free... free so that the Strong will not be dominated by the Weak... (and he went on like that for a while). There was some internal debate amongst the misfits as to how much of that line of bull Nakael himself believed... but the Sith troops certainly ate it up.

So, in closing... Nakail is a good guy? (a less-bad guy?)

As we close this chapter... Nakail is a Misfit.

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To Jan 10 2006?