((I'm not spellchecking this. Someone else can take care of it.))

Evika continues research on creepy torture book, and concludes that they used parallel or derivative technology to the tendrils that fill a person with the resurrection parasite. It also alludes to this as a potential transfer mechanism.

Tzin speculates that this could be the intentions of the Shadows... they could be the Jedi-of-the-present 10,000 years later, who intend to project themselves into the past. (Resurrection Parasite Users)

Group gathered for big meeting by Sith admiral. It seems that ships flying thru the nebula (with bigger sensors than we had) observed some 'sensor ghosts' which probably corresponded to real objects, some of which apparently maneuvered. These objects were on the edges of 'less dense' pockets of the rift (ie, were in denser regions where hyperspace travel isn't safe.) Weird dreams were associated with travel in and near the nebula and the new gas giant.

Tzin asked Nakael for a few 'less evil' sith to help him make peaceful contact with whatever these ghost echoes are, and floated a few theories on the subject.

Tzin will be participating in coordinating a satellite survey of the rocky planet to look for signs of technological uplift. If the people on this planet built up from the tech they seem to have had to the capability of making that machine (which we haven't actually seen) deep within a gas giant, there would need to be remains of intermediate steps (even if they hopped from "Starwars tech" to "The Culture tech" in a single generation).

Christina went investigating the tunnels under the bottom room of the citadel with the weird glowing crystal in it. After a lot of crawling through tunnels, she found glowing mucous tunnels. Deeper into those, she found the worm-like creatures that were making the tunnels in the first place. They seem to be sentient and are potentially force-using. When startled, (either through biology or the force) they can shoot flames out of their butts! (although if there is a difference between ends of the worms, it was not noticed)

Christina ran away for a long time, and became more lost. Folk on the surface eventually realized she was missing. Evika and Igashu (in Npc-mode) snuck into the bottom chamber thru disguise (as Christina) and dull another's senses.

Inside the room a creepy force using giant centipede told them to leave and tried (and failed) to use a force gadget to make Evika forget the whole thing. He spoke in a sinister manner, and while nominally aligned with Nakael on the subject of that chamber... may not have been entirely working with him (just not against him in some respects as-yet to be determined).

Christina, meanwhile, had found her way into the bony sewers under the nearby city. (it should be noted that we later learned the worms made the city-bone-stuff but not the palace-bone-stuff). There, she was attacked by giant (stupid) amoeba (that could jump -- Force power?).

Nakael rescued Christina after he figured out where she'd gone. (Both Igashu and Evika had read Christina's mind... she was scared of the worms finding her, and was in an enclosed space... Evika passed this along to Nakael.) Nakael basically blasted down to the sewer.

So... in closing... we learned there are more living things on this world than we initially suspected.