Republic Reckoning 5.14.87

We spend some time gathering information about the various clans on the planet, their specialties, and assign members of our group to meet with them and feel them out. Bayushi - [Igashu] - Intelligence gathering, closest opponents of the Seppun Clan, they have spawned 9 Dark Jedi.

  • Hida - [*] - Mercenaries, they're currently housing us.
  • Kakita - [Christine] - Diplomats and Business... mostly politicals.
  • Shinjo - [Aegon] - Outsiders, explorers. They left the planet and came back.
  • Miramoto - [Brojen] - Warrior priests, have spawned 15 light siders.
  • Shiba - [Elbram] - Mediative priests.
  • Agasha - [Quindo] - Warriors. Biggest badasses.

Overall, the planet follows a Force based Animism. We avoid a semblance of favoritism by planning to meet them simultaneously the next day. We spend the rest of the day gathering as much information as we can.

Republic Reckoning 5.15.87

Igashu's trip to the Bayushi clan results in nothing more than the representative's assurances that he will speak with his superiors. Christine's visit to the Kakita clan is largely ignored, but the representative (Kakita Ichiro) asks her out to tea. Brojen couldn't even find the Miramoto clan. The Shiba clan tells Elbram that they are interested in furthering talks but are largely noncommittal. Aegon is informed by the Shinjo that the Navy does not need our help. Quindo has to practically threaten people before he is finally informed by the Agashu clan that the reason nobody wants to talk to us it that offering our help implies that they are incompetent. In their culture, you can ask for help without shame and must help those who ask or lose face, but to offer unsolicited help is about akin to telling someone "Let me do that, you incompetent fuck!".

Igashu leaves in the afternoon for a second meeting with the Bayushi clan and is instead "kidnapped" by the Miramoto clan (and Investigator J'Hund, though we aren't aware of that). Igashu thinks that this is a good opportunity to meet with them and goes along without complaint. We don't find out he's missing until late in the evening. We try to sense his location but he is shielded. The best we can determine is that he's way to the north in Miramoto lands. We're planning a rescue when we're interrupted by a squad of troops. We're summoned to meet the Emperor.

Bellisius' messenger has arrived, an Admiral Venutuun. Quindo immediately recognizes her as Alynn (Davin's ex-girlfriend, who's been missing since she fled Andijon).

Bellisarius demands the immediate surrender of the Kingdom. The Emperor, of course, refuses diplomatically. Before Alynn leaves, Quindo has a chance to speak with her. She thinks that Bellisarius is a great guy who's bringing order and peace to the galaxy, yadda yadda. Quindo insists that he's evil and is accused of being melodramatic and paranoid.

Alynn - "Perhaps if you met him, you'd understand..." Quindo - [sarcastically] "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, why don't you set that up."

Meanwhile, Aegon is made an honorary General and accompanies the Emperor to his war room and the rest of us are given temporary ranks of Captain. Now that the've actually ASKED for our help, we can do something! Yay!