7.2.4788 Republic Reckoning

Christina finally manages to neutralize the viral factories in her bone marrow by manifesting Dark Side Dissipation and removing all the evil from the virus. The virus remains, but with the Dark Side, it is no more dangerous than a cold. Once the research team takes some samples, Control Disease makes short work of that puppy.

We hand over TCV/Resurrection Parasite research line to Marozia Wolde-Tsodik who leads the team to Clak'dor VII and clean up a few loose ends on Corellia.

Tzin and Igashu try to hack the computers of the Jedi Council to find out about Exordium. They are thwarted, but think they covered their tracks.

Christina begins building her Lightsaber after returning her loaner to the Council. They supply her with basic parts and she consults with Tzin during preparation. Tzin convinces Quindo to buy into a bulk shipment of Bondar crystals so that we can construct stun sabers. We charge the whole shipment to the Jedi Order.

7.4.88 Republic Reckoning

Proceed to To'iir's World to look for Aenea. Christina continues to work on her saber.

7.14.4788 Republic Reckoning

We arrive on To'iir's World. True to what we were told by the Council, nobody remembers her. Igashu senses that there might be some sort of Force-tampering of the people's minds. He's unsure whether the effect is a permanent alteration (Dark Side) or simply a lingering effect (neutral). Either way, it's mighty impressive that they managed to not only wipe, but re-write the memories of so many people. If it's a lingering effect, then there may be a mundane way through the barrier. Hopefully we can get around the block by working around it conversationally.

Tzin pulls pictures of Aenea out of DAVID's image recognition banks to show to the farmers (Quindo's suggestion). No luck.

[Quindo and Igashu focus on Perth Amwei, the farmer whose family Aenea was supposed to stay with. After hours of discussion and Force Sense, it's clear that the effect is a permeant alteration with the Dark Side. Time to break out the Force guns. The usual techniques (Force Harmony+Force Light+Accelerate Another's Healing) don't seem to work too well. We think that we're on the right track, but more serious healing might be necessary. This will require preparation.

Tzin, after repairing that water pump (again!) looks for possible Sith landing sites, and finds one. Sensors show two ships landed and one Bothan Granola Bar wrapper. Also some hydraulic fluids leaked into the soil. The Bothan granola bar is common up and down the Corellian Run?, but the hydraulic fluid is more commonly used up and down the Perlemian Trade Route?. Evika uses Postcognition and sees two drop ships land, drop maybe 150 troops, then after a while pack up and fly off without re-loading the troops. The troops are wearing generic paramilitary gear and are of mixed races common in this area of the galaxy. The troops aren't here anymore, suggesting that they found another way off planet. Igashu eventually gets to the drop ship landing site and finds some bootprints that are of a generic Rodian? brand. He also Postcogs and gets a better view of the ships leaving towards the colony site.

7.15.4788 Republic Reckoning

First thing in the morning, Evika uses Heal on Perth while Quindo leads Force Harmony and that seems to do the trick. Perth remembers! And it sucks!

  • Perth's memories:
    • Aenea hid from the Jedi and the people didn't talk about her.
    • A week later, five people in black robes and red lightsabers appeared, with the troops. They appeared at dawn, grabbed Aenea, and rounded everyone else up in the town center, where they constructed some device around them. There was a ritual by the black robes, and everyone forgot.

Tzin - "You mean that you all successfully lied to the Jedi?"
Igashu - "It's not really all that hard."

A good description of the device leads Tzin to think that it is a Force Amplifier? constructed using Sith Alchemy. He starts thinking of ways to reverse engineer the concept.

Quindo makes one serious attempt to try to Life Sense Aenea, wherever she may be. The attempt is good, but Quindo hits a wall. She's hidden really, really well. Or shielded from the Force completely. Somehow, we knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

Igashu - "I'd like to try to contact J'ror, but he's probably not as active as J'hund right now."
Quindo - "That's because J'ror is probably still in a bar, recovering from To'iir's death."
GM - "Or he's banging your mom!"


The next day, Evika does the same thing to the unelected Mayor of the town. He also remembers a few things.

  • Mayor's memories:
    • The lead black robe was a female that he recognized from the "hospitality section" of Momoudu the Hutt's palace.
    • Black Robe Lady said something about hurrying to get Aenea back due to her importance for Exordium.
    • The Scout ship's registration number was RX-341717958.

There is some wild speculation that the only person we know who got off Nal Hutta was Quindo's mom, and the image we ge from the mayor could be her with some creative license, or someone else entirely. Hard to say. But "your mom" accusations did fly until Quindo held up his pinky.

The group decides that they can't do anything more at To'iir's World and so they're off to Rodia to try to track down those mercs. We leave first thing in the morning.