Jedi Council

A select group of Jedi Masters who watch over and guide the Jedi Order. In the present Oligarchy, they are also the functioning heads of the Galactic Republic. The present membership is twelve, so that a majority of two members is needed. This is divided into eleven Offices serving as cabinet and one Head of the Council serving as Chancellor and head of state.

Zeltar Hale is the Head of the Council
Tercez Rul'yka? is the Officer of Peace
Errsk Ek'tvo is the Officer of the Exterior
Mundi-Das-Korden is the Officer of Justice
Nep Dllr? is the Officer of Knowledge?
Tomislav Metrovich? is the Officer of Commerce?
Khidyr Tyamzashe is the Guardian of the Distinction of Will?
Khadija Nasiri is the Preserver of the Order?
Mandirali Gocek? is the Officer of the Core Worlds?
Zuljeta Letele? is the Officer of the Colony Worlds?
Cro Zalk? is the Officer of the Rim Worlds?
Sargis Kalpak? is the Officer of the Unknown Parts

The functions of government have been assumed with much reluctance, but upon the Disbanding of the Senate?, the Council had no choice if they were to prevent a power vacuum. Some councilmembers have taken to their department activities with greater zeal than others.