Zeltar Hale

The Jedi who fought Darth Maldar?(with Errsk Ek'tvo), the man who ended the Jevaari Uprising?, the mediator who ended the Evyssian Disputes?. The man who died fighting Bellisarius before anyone knew what it was.

And now the Head of the Jedi Council.

Before our Heroes started adventuring, Zeltar Hale was the Jedi that eveyone knew would be the next Master named to the Jedi Council. But in chasing after a consumed Nakail Enati, he encountered the Lord of Pain? and was defeated. Somehow, his student Altair T'nol survived and returned to Coruscant and the Order. It emerged that Altair had acquired the Resurrection Parasite, and had "died many times". But Altair was killed in the fight against Bellisarius on Calypsen, and Hale emerged.

It appears as though both acquired Resurrection Parasites when fighting Bellisarius. Somehow, they were joined into one body, and Altair had been having his people kill Hale as soon as he was resurrected to ensure his continued survival. Now that Hale is in charge, this may change.

The New Council

Hale emerged into a meeting of the Jedi Council through a mysterious portal that had transported him from a massive system of tunnels on Calypsen directly to Corellia, the temporary (hopefully) seat of government in the the Galactic Republic. His story and previous recognition somehow made him the compromise candidate that both sides were looking for in the Head of the Council. So between the Pro Control? and Anti Control? factions of the Order, he was thrust into the position of being the head of state of the the Galactic Republic. He takes his position seriously, but is somewhat distressed by the level of power the Jedi Order is weilding. But so long as it is directed at a noble cause, he supposes that it will do for now. He hopes that one day he can lay down his responsibilities as head of state and become merely another old coot on the council, badgering young Jedi into saving the galaxy from whatever comes next. But he has been forced to live (again) in ever more interesting times.

The negotiations that the Davrosh Sith faction have opened with the Republic have complicated his situation immensely. Dealing with the Anti-Negotiation Faction? and the Sith has left him little time to devote to the matters of government, let alone his Jedi duties. He has relied more and more upon his fellow Councillors to run the day-to-day operations while he focuses on the broader political events. He is not sure what to make of TCV, but he is close to launching an all-out assault on Coruscant in order to ensure no other Sith viruses emerge. The fact that he is not affected by it is making him consider leading the attack himself.

He was killed when the misfits confronted the coucil about the Exordium conspiracy. While his actual murderer is unknown, he walked in with Ninane right before a bomb exploded and injured most of the council.