8.6.4788 Republic Reckoning

We arrive on Praconis Minor after 8 days in transit. Presumably, we're here to meet J'ror and J'hund. Igashu immediately vanishes down a dark alley, looking under rocks for information. The rest of the crew decides to take this opportunity to utilize the resources of a top-notch Praxeum.

Quindo takes the opportunity to meet with his old teachers and discuss politics and the past. Master Clavain admits to sending the group on its original mission on the recommendation of J'ror Tholin. Apparently, they've been friends for a very long time.

Quindo - "So, what do you think of the new Jedi run Republic?"
Clavain - "They're a bunch of power hungry wankers!"
Quindo - "I can see why you and J'ror got along."

Tzin gives a lecture on technology's role in the Jedi and technology/Force interactions. He then spends more time working on his lightsaber OS. Evika does <stuff>. Christina meditates and researches <stuff>.

Later in the evening, Evika decides to take some students out on the town. Quindo decides to run into Praeton? to meet up with his "stepfather" and catches a ride with the Masters to the train station. Evika and Quindo bump into each other at the station and the Masters are generally disapproving of the students heading out to town at 11:30pm. Quindo and Evika both agree to take responsibility, but Master Clavain insists on coming along.

The political discussion continues on the train, drawing in the students. Evika calls Tzin and Christina to invite them out with us. They've already missed the train, but Tzin meets up with the Masters as they return to the Praxeum and convinces them to loan him the student/faculty van. Christina decides to stay in the library.

Tzin beats everyone to town and picks them up at the station. They head to a bar that Master Clavain knows. Quindo heads to the south side in a taxi to invite Jon to come along. Again, we all meet in the bar and continue our discussion of politics, the Force, and everything. Tzin reveals his crazy conspiracy theory based on Exordium and the Potentium Heresy. Clavain gives the kids homework to refute it in a paper.

8.7.4788 Republic Reckoning

A very late night requires a big breakfast. The group makes it back to the Praxeum by 0800 for Master Clavain's lightsaber class. Quindo sits in. Evika works on outlines for the student's homework.

After a short nap and some general daily activities, everyone meets back up with the faculty for a dinnertime "guest lecture". We discuss Bellisarius, the TCV, the New Jedi Oligarchy, morality, and the Force. We argue Progressivism versus Traditionalism and any number of other topics.

Evika - "Apparently, Appeal to Authority is valid when you're a mystic."

We try to leave everyone with a soundbyte at the end of the Q&A lecture.

Tzin - "Remember the Buddy System!"
Quindo - "Keep a sense of humor. Having a stick up your ass is a direct path to the Dark Side!"
Evika - "Take time to meditate!"
Christina - "Don't drink unless you know how to Detox Poison!"

More milling about and then we call it a night.