Potentium Heresy
The Potentium Heresy is the belief that it is possible to use the Dark Side to accomplish the goals of the Light. Those seduced by this idea flirt with Dark Side powers, becoming tainted and then atoning--or not, as the case may be. While it is possible to walk the line in this way, more often than not, it leads to fall of the Jedi who attempted it. Once touched by the Dark Side, one's judgement becomes tainted, and it is all too easy to lose the precarious moral balance and fall entirely. Still, the idea sounds attractive, especially if phrased cunningly, and is often used by Darksiders and Sith in efforts to tempt Jedi to corruption. These attempts were more successful before the teaching of the Potentium Heresy was re-introduced into the Padawan curriculum.
It is interesting to note that while the Sith have been known to use the Potentium Heresy to corrupt potential students, they consider it a heresy as well.