9.12.4786 Republic Reckoning

J'ror joins us on the ship, and immediately takes charge of the situation. Ordering us to set course, because time is of the essence. He's right, that speed is important, and the group does eventually yield, but first Igashu insists on a justification. "Why you J'ror?" "Who's playing us?" No satisfactory answers are given, but that's par for the course. At least we were satisfied that J'ror wasn't going to do anything drastic, and simply wanted to collect evidence to support his case, and that he'd go public with said evidence as soon as possible. Fast forward a few weeks, training in Hyperspace? until we arrive. Much meditation, and a departure from the usual force based training as we all try to learn some more mundane skills. Highlights would be the Lightsaber repair seminars run by J'ror, and a wacky experiment by Igashu. Experiment to qualify and quantify the force and how it directs our actions. How does one do this? Who knows how a sane person would do it, but Igashu's crackpot scheme was to have a droid follow him around, and shoot randomly at him for the entire journey. Especially if he wasn't expecting it, that way it would be the force guiding him and he could meditate on its effects.... Yeah, you can guess how well that went. A large number of stun bolts pelted Igashu periodically throughout the trip, and nothing was learned.

9.22.4786 Republic Reckoning

Finally we arrive at... bum bum bum... Byblos! Makes sense, J'ror has a home and office there. Upon arrival it's time to buy some new clothes, non-Jedi robes! Elbram is of course distraught by the mere thought of not wearing robes, but eventually settles for a robe-like trench coat/duster with his outfit. Igashu over spends, and buys himself a suit and "Righteous" brand shades? along with a casual outfit to blend in with the rest. Clothes are picked up, Igashu is scolded mildly for wasting money, but gets to keep the suit, and the group heads off to get some jobs.

Wait Jobs?! Jedi don't get day jobs! Well J'ror works for Starburst Corporation, a subsidiary of Thantos Corporation?, which of course is linked to Alexandra Dormamu, who is up to bad stuff. So working there gets him access that helps him keep tabs on what she is up to. Getting us jobs for the same company is the easiest way for us to gain the same mobility necessary for watching her. Igashu is the sometimes-cunning linguist, Quindo is the assistant Planetologist?, Davin is the tech and assistant pilot, Elbram is the Researcher, and Bro'jen is the Survey Specialist.

After Jobs, it's time to pick up Vraile and head out for dinner, but wait.... she's missing! J'ror gets a bit jumpy at this point, since he expected her to be home. After fetching some supposed lightsaber crystals?, and his old lightsaber we do in fact head out to dinner, with no Vraile. At dinner, the news flashes to a story on a slave revolt in Hutt space. J'ror and Davin conclude To'iir isn't likely responsible, though the wounds do seem to have been inflicted with a lightsaber. To'iir is of course not responsible because she's in orbit of Byblos and comes down to meet with us after dinner. J'ror heads off to do some digging around, and To'iir takes the kids out drinking to unwind. After drinking comes bedtime.

Of course after waking up we find J'ror is missing. Big surprise. Mister Kobayashi delivers a message, but Davin, being the idiot he is deletes the important part. After some checking around we realize Vraile is missing and someone, presumably Dormamu and her big happy Sith family, are taunting him about it. J'ror of course rushed off to find/save Vraile, and left the rest of us to stop the evil machinations.

Evil Machinations you say? Yes I did say. What are they? We don't know yet, but after attending a reception to welcome the new Sith-execs we find they're marketing a new beverage (Alter Cola?). "Alter your perceptions, Alter your life, Alter your beverage" Wow... scary when you think about it. No one drinks any. Igashu pockets a bottle, in his suit. See, told ya so, it did come in handy! Anyway Elbram reveals himself to the big bad guy, as does Davin... they're really big, and really bad. We are so out classed here... and we still don't know what they're up to.