The Hutts

Sluglike megalomaniacal race of slavers and crimelords. A species which evolved on a swampy world. Years later, after achieving space flight, they bought Nal Hutta from the native people and evicted the natives to Nar Shaddaa, one of Nal Hutta's many moons. The Jedi mediated this deal. The Hutts consider Nal Hutta's slimy swamps to be a paradise, an opinion few aliens share. The only non-hutts allowed on Nal Hutta are slaves?. This bargain was the first taste the Republic had of the high level of skill the Hutts possessed in legal documents for which the Hutt Empire became known.

The Hutts believe themselves to be a superior species, and feel that ecconomic and material gains are theirs by right.

After Bellisarius' bombing of Nal Hutta following a sabotage attack against the planetary shields, by Niniane, the Hutt Empire was generally considered to have ended. Over 90% of the Hutts were killed, including almost all of the most wealthy and powerful. Many criminal forces have stepped in to pick up the slack, but there is still a great deal of uncertainty in this transitional period for the galactic underworld?.