Karth Triest

A friendly competitor of Khadija Nasiri, Jedi Master Karth Triest was a diplomat and negotiator killed during the earliest days of the Sith war. Evika al-Amri was his apprentice at the time, finishing her training as a Factotum.

Possibly the galaxy's most perfect extrovert, the friendly and unflappable Triest made his reputation mediating trade disputes, most notably preventing the Hutt-Kuat tensions from erupting into all-out war in the early '70s. He disguised a keen mind behind his affability, and could have made his living on the professional sabbac circuit without resorting to the Force, had he ever begun to find life in the Order not to his liking.

Staunch Traditionalist that he was, Triest's mediations were marked by detachment on his part. He took some flak in the Republic press and from liberal members of the Order for being willing to deal with certain more morally-questionable clients, such as the Hutts, without attempting to force concessions from them. However, he held as an article of faith that adherence to the Code would, in the long run, do more for peace and justice than any attempt to impose morality.

During the churn through Council members that preceded the Sith war, Triest sat pro tempore on the Council, serving primarily as a voice of the status quo, until he was asked to step down, ostensibly to resume diplomatic functions in light the increasing galactic unrest. Rumor has it, however, that his strict adherence to non-interference by the Jedi in galactic affairs led to him being forced from the Council by more activist members.

It was shortly thereafter that he took on Evika as an Apprentice, and, a year later, accepted the negotiation mission to Gerth that resulted in his death.