Hyper Cloak

As the Jedi Order retreated from its capital worlds of Coruscant, Corellia, and Nubia in the face of Bellisarius and then the Dark Swarm, the Exordium project offered an alternative: Rapid technology development and seclusion in deep space. The warships of the Jedi Council were retrofitted with the most advanced cloaking technology available and the government hid in the darkness between the stars. Using Exordium, many improvements were made, and the focus on stealth has made the Jedi ships the most advanced in terms of sensors and sensor shielding. Without a Jedi or Sith on board, it is almost impossible to detect a Jedi Order vessel even when at point-blank ranges. The only reason the other polities abide this technology is that the Order was weakened sufficiently that they do not have the numbers necessary to win any engagement as attrition would wear them down quickly. The hypercloak technology is also extremely delicate and any damage to the vessel will drastically improve its chances of detection. The Thermal Computers are an essential part of the cloaking technology.

Game Rules

Jedi Order vessels are effectively invisible. Only the best alternate sensor packages even begin to detect them. The GM may rule that there is a chance to detect a vessel, however there will usually need to be a Force-Enhanced Sensor Package? at the minimum. Also, the smallest vessels usually cannot have the full cloak technology on them (nor do they need it), and only the largest will be any easier to detect.

However, any damage will make the vessel more detectable. Each level of damage drops the protection by 50%, and these systems are usually nonfunctional by the time a vessel is moderately damaged. Even an impact with space debris, a micrometeorite, or other small object can reduce system effectiveness by up to 20%.

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