Turn 1
After the Silence
(4/25/08 - 5/3/08 5/10/08)
- Turn one will be extended due to extended stay in real life hospital.
Describe your race and the God they served. What do they believe? Where will they settle? How will they survive without the Gods to direct them? You may be dry and historical or deliver a first-person account, or whatever floats your boat.
- The Arafir struggle for dominance amongst themselves with no gods to unify their wrath. - Tom T.
- The Cthoni starve when their divine machinery fails, but endure in a state of undeath. - Dirk
- The Diolí expunge their heretics and heed the words of their prophet. - Sir Roxton
- The Ghibbolim sharpen their knives and prepare to feast on the other races. - JeffR23
- The Joined set about to rebuild the knowledge base of their dead god Halst. - Tom R.
- The Keepers of the Vale awaken and retreat from the affairs of other mortals. - Toph
- The Kythians long to once again walk the land and swim in the waters with their gods, The Twins. - Nuance
- The Merenati find themselves in a prison of heat and light. - Chris M.
- The Oquai plant seeds, as the ingrained words of their creator dictates. - Noah
- The Shedekal gather their secrets and await the return of The Lady of Shadows- Ken
- The Telakhim learn to procreate without the divine presence of Telakh, the Sire. - Greg
- The Xhenkis'ta seek to restore their lost God(dess) with blood. - Shaughn