The Oquai
All of The Oquai were born of The Three, those who lived through the lessons of The Great and Smiling Henoss. He lived among us and directed us as we needed. He would tell us what to do and we would do so, for it was folly to present a question to The Smiling One. We know this for we are The Oquai, and The Three are in us all.
For much time we built ourselves upon this land. We all knew what we had to do, for we are The Oquai, and He is in us all.
None can say, then, why one approached Henoss. One of The Oquai did not know how to place us into our creations. Henoss placed a hand upon that Oquai and they fell apart as seeds upon the ground. They did not come back together, as one of the Oquai should, when we fall apart. They did not get back up and take a new shape as one of the Oquai should, when we find a problem. Instead, these seeds immediately took root and a great tree sprung up, with leaves and fruit of the same color as the clay, the same color as us. Birds we had not seen before descended upon the tree and devoured the fruit, flying away.
"Now", he said, "you are in your creation. We are all in those birds, now, as well. It is time to make new things. Soon, we will be in everything. Soon, all of creation will smile as we do."
We all knew what we had to do, then, for we are The Oquai. We used our sodden clay forms to plant and give fruit and grow and spread throughout the land and even spore into the air and melt into the sea.
Though he no longer walks among us, Henoss is in us, and we will be in everything. We all know what we have to do.