Henoss the Grim is said to have been born from pure laughter. Through all his time, the smile never left his face, even through the lonely toil of creating his subjects from the clay itself. Slowly he made them, one by one, and his laughter gave them breath.
"You are the Oquai, and you are my followers", he would say as each was created.
He made The First Twelve, and sat them down, to teach them how to learn. Nine of The First Twelve survived this lesson, to learn their most special of his lessons. Henoss taught them how to be in every one of their creations, as he was in them. Seven of The Nine survived this lesson. He taught them how to remake themselves, of which Four survived, and Three lived through learning to make more Oquai and how to laugh. All other Oquai stem from those Three and their creations.