- The Arafir -- Children of Khotia, the Defier
- The Cthoni -- Children of Ur, the Grandcrafter
- The Diolí -- Children of Díola, the Arbiter
- The Ghibbolim -- Children of Tog, the Eater
- The Joined -- Children of Halst, the Scholar
- The Keepers of the Vale -- Children of Shaktihr, the Everstar
- The Kythians -- Children of The Twins
- The Merenati -- Children of Samara Ateret, the Queen of Night
- The Oquai -- Creations of Henoss, the Grim.
- The Shedekal -- Servants of Eonna of the Mad Eyes
- The Telakhim -- Children of Telakh, the Sire
- The Xhenkis'ta -- Bloodprogeny of Xetaea, the Maimed