Xhenkis'ta, we are. Born, we were, of pain, and blood, and the anguish of our Father/Mother Xetaea. Rend, she did, the divine flesh to mingle vital fluid and blood upon the Fellfield plain. Spring, we did, from the drops of each upon the frozen wastes. From blood and the jellies of the eye rose the Xutai, the Scholar caste. From blood and bile sprang the Xisis, the Warrior caste. From blood, sweat, and mother's milk sprang the Xolani, the Crafter caste. From blood, semen, and the ichors of the belly and liver came the Xean-Wu, the mind spinners known as Enspyre.
Study, the Xutai did, our enemies to discover their weaknesses. Plan, the Xutai did, strategies and gambits to humble the foe.
Build, the Xolani did, the weapons of war to use against the Gods and their creations.
Fight, the Xisis did, against all who stood against us and the glory of the Father/Mother. Die, the Xisis did, in the greatest numbers of all. Rise, the Xisis do, from death upon barren ground.
Dream, the Xean-Wu did, of the glory and power of the Xhenkis'ta and Manifest made those dreams in solid flesh. Birth, the Xean-Wu did, the generations of Xhenkis'ta to follow. Mingle, the Xean-Wu do, their ichor and their flesh-made dreams in the bodies of captured foes. Steal, the Xean-Wu did, the Gods' divine essence by violent birthing of each generation from the flesh and power of stolen enemies.
Sleep, the Xhenkis'ta did, when the ranting anger of Xetaea did fall silent.
Shattered, the sleeping Xhenkis'ta were, by the tumultuous wracking of the world by the Gods' passing.
Wake, the Xhenkis'ta do, when the world wakes to a Godless new Day.
Mourn, the Xhenkis'ta do, the passing of their Father/Mother and their siblings.
Seek, the Xhenkis'ta do, to restore Xetaea from the flesh and blood and vital fluids they carry and replenish as they replenish their numbers and strength.
Die, the Xhenkis'ta will, upon that glorious day, so that Xetaea can live again.
- see The Seeking