
Fled Brighton's Landing when it was destroyed by the TCV zombies on Aysemius. Saved by Kurgan and Charlie?, but her baby had already turned into a zombie and was left behind when the people of Canton fled the planet. She went into a catatonia when given the option of leaving her child behind or staying herself. Vandur decided she wanted to live and she was brought with the crew. Tara Vash began taking care of her on the flight to Bozu-Zok Quintus, but it is unknown what has happened to them now they are effective slaves of Director Takane Kingston and Captain Dranson?.

She was not seen much on the Bozu-Zok Quintus by the others from Aysemius. It was assumed she was offering her services to the guards and possibly Director Kingston himself, but she was named as a candidate for crewing the Blood Price. The other ex-inmates on the crew tend to ostracize her, but Zara has decided that she is pilot material and is currently attempting to train her. However, Karthad seems to have piloting more at her level and has been teaching her some sensor operations too.