
Sense Difficulty: Moderate

Alter Difficulty: Targets Willpower or control

This power may be kept "up."

Required Powers: Receptive telepathy, projective telepathy, rage

Warning: Use of this power will give the user a Dark Side Point.

Effect: Fear is the path the Dark Side. Using the Force, the user learns what frightens others and uses it against them, making them more susceptible to the Dark Side.

Every enemy fighting against you in melee combat (as long as they have a reasonable chance of engaging you) or every target engaged with the user in starfighter combat must make a contested roll against the user's alter total. The effect is a penalty as shown below. The target can negate the penalty by accepting a Dark Side Point. Every third round the power is in effect, the user must make a stamina check starting at Very Easy and increasing by one Difficulty level each time the check is called, or drop the power and become fatigued. The difficulty decreases by one level every ten rounds after the power has been dropped.

Table 5.13: Fear

Alter greater than target's resist Penalty
0-5 -1D
6-10 -2D
11-15 -3D
16-20 -4D
21-30 -5D
31+ -5D and target cannot spend Force Points