1.1.4787 Republic Reckoning

July 15 2003 PBEM

After having spent 3 weeks tying up loose ends and training at Coruscant Praxeum our young students are off to Praconis Minor, their old stomping ground. There they hope to pick up Dormamu's trail. Once they locate her, she and her cronies can be brought to justice. Igashu pushed hard for the Praconis Minor trip for other reasons, and is adamant about learning what happened to his parents.

Eight long days in a freighter with Altair finally ends and the group arrives "home" as it were. Actually only Quindo and Igashu feel that way... Nakail is gone, Brojen was trained on Coruscant, Elbram was trained on a moon nearby, and Dabai spent a great deal of time near the Rim. Anyway, Quindo and Igashu get right to work asking the Praxeum where they came from. Quindo seems to be following Igashu's lead on this one and is trying to find his parent's as well. The Praxeum has nothing on Igashu as he was picked up off the street, but Qiundo is directed to an orphanage and is informed that he is "Ward of the State". The two part ways and Igashu heads to a visit a private investigation firm that was hired by Dormamu to watch him while he was a child, while Quido heads for the orphanage to ask some questions.

At the Orphanage Quindo learns that he was dropped off when he was about 2 years old. Seems he was found by one Lydia Tholin... that name sounds familiar... I wonder... Anyway, seems he was dropped off with a handwritten note left in his cradle, so he sets off to find his parents.

Meanwhile Igashu looks into the agency that was watching him. Seems they don't want to give out anything unless he can prove his identity. After a bit of arguing he manages to satisfy the secretary and is rewarded with an appointment to see the investigator. Since it's a while off he heads out to a coffee shop to get a drink and clear his head while he waits.

Back to Quindo, who has tracked down a man named Septon who he hopes is his father. The apartment is in a nasty run down section of town, and the strangers he asks about John Septon have nothing good to say. There is no answer when Quindo knocks on the door and he opts to wait in a nearby bar for the occupant to return.

Igashu gets his appointment and learns that the investigation started before he was found by the academy. Dormamu hired them to watch him on the street, and forbid them to interfere. She acted much like a concerned parent, and in fact the only similar case this investigator ever worked was for a divorce who wanted to keep track of his son, but wasn't aloud to see him. Adoption was suggested to her, and she simply replied that "is the one thing I can't do." Igashu has a nice chat with the office workers there, many remember the case. Many of the caseworkers left small things for him to find, to help him out when he needed it. They seemed to think it was the best they could do, and are sincerely interested in his progress. Igashu fills them in on some of his recent adventures has a nostalgic chat and promises to let them know what relation he has to Dormamu once he finds out. Seems they have a pool running... Aunt and Mother are the leading favorites.

Go back to July 8 2003.
Go to July 29 2003.