June 3 2003 PBEM

9.31.4786 Republic Reckoning

After a night of drinking, the group returns to To'iir's ship to rest before heading out into the wilderness to find Vraile. Igashu wakes at midnight to continue his strange practice of being the mystery midnight chef only to find To'iir sitting alone in the dark at the kitchen table. A strange conversation ensues, and Igashu finds himself alone in the kitchen suddenly wondering if he said something wrong or if she was just done with whatever she was doing. Either way, he went back to his just barely not burnt breakfast attempt, and did his best to salvage things before returning to bed.

9.32.4786 Republic Reckoning

Morning arrives, and the group rises for breakfast. The slightly crispy and over done croissants seem to be enjoyed, and laughed at by all at the table. A good happy morning. Important for a last meal... dum dum dummmmm! (How's that for foreshadowing!) After breakfast, gear is packed and the group piles onto some speeders and heads out into the woods to follow Vraile. The path splits, and after some deliberation it's up into the mountains. After all if one was to build a secret base on an already secret planet wouldn't it make sense to hide it in the mountains? Well as it turns out... yes there is a base in the mountains! And the snipers were kind enough to take us to their leader rather than start a fight. Very smart for them, after all J'ror has resorted to tossing his port-a-nuke again. Strange thing to bring to a marital dispute don't ya think? Anyway, a masked old friend of J'ror's named Dalmotz meet's us inside, and a deal is made. J'ror takes one student with him, to speak with Vraile. The others stay in the bay with the baby-nukee-wukee (yes I've lost my mind and made that word up.) So Igashu goes with J'ror, and is tasked with keeping a telepathic link back to the group in the hangar. Quindo being the lucky recipient of the nuke, also get's to deal with Igashu's mental link, which leads to some strange and interesting conversations.

Inside the base, Vraile and J'ror argue behind a closed door in her office, while Igashu chats idly with the captain standing guard outside. Meanwhile, Davin is making all of the guards nervous by running around the hangar and drooling over the fighters therein. Back to the discussion of politics and it's impact on marital bliss. J'ror exits the office, it seems Vraile has not agreed to leave with him. Igashu reminds J'ror she doesn't really have a choice in the matter... and then all hell breaks loose. J'ror cuts open the door to the office, and reenters to take Vraile out, Igashu tries to secure a path back to the hangar and security open fires. Back in the Hangar security is informed of all of this, and opens fire on the group as well. Dalmotz begins toying with Quindo and asking for the nuke. Queue random acts of dramatic heroism annnnnnd action! Davin dashes to and slips on board a fighter before the guards can react, then begins to open fire at groups of people sending them running. Igashu, in a desperate attempt to not kill anyone, manages to take on 4 guards reflecting their own blaster fire back at the accurately enough to destroy their weaponry and send them running. Quindo loses ground for a while to Dalmotz in an effort to stall, but in the end goes for broke and drops the nuke while attacking. His gamble pays off and he scores big for the good guys as he destroy's our evil phantom fan's lightsaber! Huzzah! But the heroics don't end there! With the nuke on the ground, the countdown has started, and only Elbram's quick thinking and a liberal use of TK while being shot at manages to temporarily disarm the big-badda-boom. There's a comical moment as Dalmotz and Elbram go back and forth, Dalmots activating the bom manually, and Elbram closing it with TK, before Dalmotz jams the device in the armed and counting down position. The bomb is tossed down the stairs where Quindo dives after it to shut it off before everyone is vaporized. Igashu, and J'ror arrive draggin Vraile along. Quindo gives the nuke to Igashu who holds it with one hand while wrapping that arm around Vraile to keep her from running, and trying to keep his lightsaber at the ready just in case. Quindo charges back into the fray looking for his dropped saber only to see Dalmotz hurl it at Vraile and then run for a ship. Igashu manages to hold onto Vraile and the bomb despite her attempts to elbow him and break free... and at the same time deflect and deactivate Quindo's flying saber, thereby saving Vraile's bitch ass. (This is ALL her fault!) As Dalmotz breaks for the ship Davin turns his fire on it and destroys it! Take that bad guy! where ya gonna run now? Oh, shit... he just jumped onto Davin's ship. Wait... I thought Davin wasn't allowed to pilot on account of him always crashing? True, unfortunately for Dalmotz, Davin has broken the rules, and Davin proceeds to fly all over the place crashing into the ceiling and eventually blowing open the doors and hurtling outside the base in an effort to shake Dalmotz off the ship... All of this effort results in a major crash and explosion.

Did Davin eject in time? Did Dalmotz manage to survive like the cockroach he is? Well the game eneded here for us so you, mister reader man, must suffer by following a link to the resolution of Davin's fate!

Go back to May 27 2003.
Go to June 10 2003.