
presented by Elysium Productions

Game Information

We'll be posting game dates and locations here as well as random information about our game and other things we think you might find helpful.

Game Information:

The News from the 1st game.

The News from the 2nd game.

The News from the 3rd game.

The News from the 4th game.

And here are the opening narrations from each of the games:

Episode #1: From This Time Forth, My Thoughts Be Bloody

Episode #2: When Sorrows Come, They Come Not Single Spies But In Battalions

Episode #3: In This Same Interlude It Doth Befall

Episode #4: But More When Envy Breeds Unkind Division

Ben Bennett wins the "GM's Favorite Player" award for matching names with the photos from the last game. Thanks still to Xine Jesensky and Jonathan Drummey for the pictures themselves, and Shawn Zimmerman for the thumbnails.
And here are the pics

As requested, Fuck the Jolly Nosferatu

The Game Location:

The game will be held at the Hampton Inn in Natick, MA. We are reserved and we've checked out the should be exceptionally good. Games will begin at 6pm and end at midnight...and the brew pub downstairs is open until 1. :)
Unfortunately, we're now going to have to charge the high end of what we had told you all when you signed up. To cover the cost of the rooms, we must ask you for $10 per game.
Directions to the Hampton Inn in Natick

Game Dates:

various player resources

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