Lizzie Stewart, Richard Zweibel, Uncle Don Ross, Matt Adwin
Pre-game chat, looking at the map, oh.. a camera.
Katherine Smythe-Daigle
Artsy shot of Tara prepping for the game.
Lorenzo Castille, Xavier de Neville
Lorenzo gets his instructions from Xavier
Andrew Andentull, Yuri Rodchenko
Andrew and Yuri looking relaxed and happy
Francis Miller, Seamus Sidney
A frank discussion between Francis and Seamus
Jeremy Newton, Darius Brightman, Brian Meacham
Gangrels looking tough
Helena Vogler, Andrew Andentull
High level negotiations
Amanda Biddle, Stephen Nichols, James Ruthfusz, Lynnea Winthrop
A harpy looking smug as Lynnea speaks to him
Sheridan Ravensburg, Lynnea Winthrop, Brian Meacham, Michelle Brian
The Gangrel security defending a background conversation
Francis Miller, Miriam Wellesley
A harpy takes note of Francis' knowledge
Michelle Brian, Brian Meacham, Amanda Biddle, Jacob Grant, Shawn Davies, Matthias Peterson, Seamus Sidney, Yuri Rodchenko, Uncle Don Ross, Darius Brightman, Cameron Betts, Richard Zweibel
Matthias and Yuri talk in the middle of a crowd
Amanda Biddle, Michelle Brian, Darius Brightman, Jeremy Newton, Brian Meacham
Most of clan Gangrel ignoring each other
Stephen Nichols, Sheridan Ravensburg, Helena Vogler
Sheridan and Stephen chatting
Leopold Kalgar, Andrew Andentull
Leopold researching a spell to exorcise Andrew's mysterious shadow chin
Seamus Sidney, James Ruthfusz
Seamus questions James
Amanda Biddle, Shawn Davies, Lorenzo Castille
Amanda and Shawn share a laugh
Matthias Peterson, Amanda Biddle, Seamus Sidney, Katherine Smythe-Daigle, Ryan Smart, Stephen Nichols
Matthias admires the masterful application of Katherine's eyeshadow
Lorenzo Castille, Duncan Hamilton, Magritte Tousaint, Michael Stein
So Toreador _can_ smile
Lynnea Winthrop, Leopold Kalgar
Gravity takes a break while Lynnea talks to Leopold
Cameron Betts, Jacob Grant, Yuri Rodchenko, Seann Ives
Yuri picks some lint off Jacob's coat
Albert Westenwright, Yuri Rodchenko, Andrew Andentull
Albert (traveling in a decidedly un-Ventrue disguise) watches as Yuri practices shooting rays from his eyes
Francis Miller, Marcus, Cecile St. John
A Nosferatu meeting where Francis takes notes on his Rude Golberg notepad
Helena Vogler, Antonia Altobella
Antonia chats with her visiting clan member
Amanda Biddle, Miriam Wellesley, Michael Stein
Mirriam and Michael speak to each other
Leopold Kalgar, Stephen Nichols, Lynnea Winthrop
Leopold practices his sleep spell
Igor Montesque, Antonia Altobella
The Prince and Antonia talk
James Ruthfusz, Xavier de Neville
A harpy talks to the Ventrue primogen
Christoph Starzhevsky, Andrew Andentull
Andrew and Starzhevsky converse
Antonia Altobella, Magritte Tousaint, Seamus Sidney, Stephen Nichols, Duncan Hamilton, Matthias Peterson
An animated group discussion
Brian Meacham, Darius Brightman
Brian and Darius talk in a dark corner
Simon Kunstler, Marcus, Lorenzo Castille, Shawn Davies
Simon and Lorenzo talk while Marcus looks on
Marcus, Cecile St. John, Helena Vogler, Leopold Kalgar, Shawn Davies
A bunch of people look at something interesting
Matthias Peterson, Stephen Nichols, Sheridan Ravensburg
Matthias sucks on an extremely hot cigarette and is surprised when his eyes ignite
Ryan Smart, Andrew Andentull, Igor Montesque, Matt Adwin
Igor introduces Andrew as Seneschal
Christoph Starzhevsky, James Ruthfusz, Igor Montesque
The Prince confronts Starzhevsky as James observes
Katherine Smythe-Daigle, Frank Dayhill, Miriam Wellesley
Katherine and Frank pray together
Seamus Sidney, Lorenzo Castille, Xavier de Neville
Seamus, Xavier and Lorenzo converse
Katherine Smythe-Daigle, Jeremy Newton
Katherine tries to look through Jeremy's head
Brian Meacham, Michelle Brian
Brian guards Michelle
Seann Ives, Igor Montesque, James Ruthfusz, Jeremy Newton, Marcus, Cecile St. John
Igor looks sternly at Jeremy
Brian Meacham, Amanda Biddle, Duncan Hamilton, Helena Vogler, Matthias Peterson, Lorenzo Castille, Antonia Altobella, Frank Dayhill
Everyone watches the Prince
Matthias Peterson, Katherine Smythe-Daigle, Jeremy Newton
A little conversation
Cecile St. John, Leopold Kalgar
A high-level meeting of the Nosferatu and Tremere Primogen
Darius Brightman, Christoph Starzhevsky
Christoph amuses Darius
Antonia Altobella, Frank Dayhill
Antonia and Frank share a table
Sheridan Ravensburg, Magritte Tousaint
Magritte talks to her ghoul
Michelle Brian, Antonia Altobella, Frank Dayhill, Amanda Biddle
Michelle talks to one of her clanswomen
Andrew Andentull
Andrew excercises his new power by using the comfy chair
Brian Meacham, Igor Montesque
The Prince debriefs Brian
Ryan Smart
Ryan fruitlessly tries to enlighten some players
Katherine Smythe-Daigle, Seann Ives
Tara tries to influence a GM
Leopold Kalgar, Francis Miller
Leopold and Francis talk