Directions: >>From Rte 9: - go to Natick. - get off at the Speen Street exit (from east, it is before the mall. From the west, it is after the mall) - The Hampton Inn will be on your right, look for the signs and for the hotel, whihc should be hard to miss. - if you reach Rte 30 (with a Ground Round on your right, then you've gone too far >>From Rte 90: - go to Exit 13 (Rte 30) - take the Rte 30 EAST fork (left) off the exit - go to your first light and take a RIGHT. You will know this light by the Ground Round, which is on your left just after the light. - go through a light or so, getting into the left lane. - look for the Hotel on your left and take the first left you can that will take you towards it. The best left to take here is the one with the Sam's Club sign heralding it. This is a screwed up section that defies description, as there will be a few lefts. Just make sure you get into the left lane and turn left BEFORE the Rte 9 on ramp, you'll be fine. Game sessions will run from 6-12 on the dates previously published.