An Error in Judgement
01.22.1562 Founder's Reckoning
Lord Reild^ is a notable scholar and has a library. The king has a library of impressive size. Lord Reild had a few books, maps and foreign objects. Mistress Lara, the bistro owner, used to do his cleaning.
Rory, Lara's son, was recruited to lead the party to Reild's manor. He pointed out the headquarters of the Witch-hunters, Lord Shaid's "personal police", who, quite obviously, hunt witches and such.
Rory was scared by Sedgewick's talk about witches and ran off.
Reild's is near Valroth's Square which has a statue of a great general.
Xandessa and Sedgewick peeled off to go looking for orphans and widows to help. In their infinite wisdom they attack the headquarters of the Witch-hunters. Xandessa severely wounded (possibly killed) two sentries in the alleyway.
They faced too many crossbows inside the HQ and retreated. Sedge bullrushed through two new outside guards, felling one instantly and injuring the other. Xandessa knocked the second back down and followed Sedge out of the alley.
Sedge gave the money to a begger as he fled. The situation then changed for the better.
Sedge hid in an alley as a beggar. Ali muted sound so that when Horace removed Sedge's arrows and cleansed the wounds Sedge wouldn't make too much noise.
Ali then hailed a carriage to take the group of not so intrepid adventurers back to the ship.
Sedge's description of what happend:
The HQ building was black with red symbols. It had a water wheel and a gull over the door. The snake and sword/dagger symbol was on the door.
Some of the enemies had a sword/dagger and snake on opposite collars. All of them had the waterwheel and gull on their robes.
Water wheel and gull are the symbol of Ormryd the builder/craftsman god of the Anglish, and creator of all things according to their religion.
The water wheel is stylized on one of the chairs, but without depth.
The Snake and Dagger are a military order. A militant religous faction of Ormryd that seeks out and eradicates threats to the chruch. They are known here as Witch-hunters and are led by Lord Shaid.
This ties back into Sedge's omen-reading of the pouch that Ali stole.
^CokWreald (with a silent Cok)