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Results of search for group=Wildside "Angland" :
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Angland is located across the Howling Straits from Kardia. The country occupies the easternmost peninsula of the West-Lannent continent, bordered on the north by the Nordthrun Sea and on the south by the Wydrun Sea
The Kingdom of Angland has been ruled by Markos Deimaros for the past 31 years. The King maintains a Council of seven Ministers that act only in an advisory capacity.
- Minister of State - Lord Kaldin Veros, "The Coin"
- Minster of Police - Lord Valiard Deimaros, the King's brother, "The Fist"
- Minister of Doctrine -
Lord Ormon ShaidLord Dismet Jaithe - Minister of Foreign Concerns - Lord Arum Reild
- Minister of War - Lord General Theyn Daltin
- Minster of Commerce - Lord Lyam Salisbur
- Minister of Supply - Lord Tanris Dorndain
The current heir to the throne of Angland is the King's nephew, Leighton Deimaros. The King's only born son, Jaycin Deimaros II was excommunicated and exiled.
Angland's strength is built on the sea and shipbuilding.