Kingdom Of Kardia
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The Kingdom of Kardia is located on the westermost point of the Eastern Continent. The nation of Kardia is separated from the country of Angland by about 60 miles of sea to the northwest, called the Howling Straits. The Wydrun Sea lies to the west of Kardia, the Nordthrun Sea to the north. Kardia is bordered on the south and southeast by a vast mountain range known as the Titan's Wall and by the Silent Sea to the southwest. To the Northeast of Kardia are the Plains of Invernayth. Directly east, across the Rownos River, lies the country of Rowmar. The Kingsgate Basin, a massive insland freshwater sea, covers almost 6000 square miles of northern Kardia before flowing out to the Nordthrun Sea via the River Inverness.
(see Appendix for List of Baronies)
Kardia is ostensibly a feudal nation. Peasants are tied to the land and provide income and troops to the Lord who owns the land, who in turn provides income and troops to the Lord to whom they owe fealty, and so on up the chain to the King.
All of Kardia is divided up into dozens of baronies, each ruled by one of the major noble familes of Kardia. Within each barony are numerous estates and cities, ruled by ennobled familes who bear fealty to the Baron and the king. Due to intermarriages many familes have secondary, tertiary and more tenous claims to multiple baronies and estates. The King of Kardia, direct descendent of the Lyros Dynasty, is also the hereditary Baron of Lyrosia and Count of Kardiff.
There are six ranks of titled nobility in Kardia, excluding the royal family (reigning King, Queen and direct offspring).
With almost 800 years of history, the number of noble families in Kardia has grown to perhaps 400 families, which has given rise to a monied, free, middle class society within the rigidity of the feudal system. Lordlings and Knights without income from lands turn to commerce and tradecraft.
Until the founding of Kardia in 765 FR, the peninsula was home to a hundred warring clans and tribes of pseudo-feudal lordlings. History records that Lyros Kardiff, the third son of a Lyrosian clan-chief set off to sea to seek his fortune at the age of 17. Sailing West, he skirted the coast of Angland and landed in Dragabin. From Dragabin, Kardiff set out westward, across the Mist Sea, toward the fabled continent of Valzyren. Few men have braved the Mist Sea, and fewer have returned. In fact, there are have only been verifiable accounts of a successful crossing in nearly the nearly 800 years since Kardiff's journey. Details of the journey and the return of Kardiff are sketchy at best, but in 763 FR, he sailed into Lyrosia with a ship full of wonders and Wizards.
Lyros Kardiff began by deposing his own brother in 765 FR and uniting many of the river clans under his rule. He renamed his father's seat Kardia City and declared everything from the Titan's Wall to the River Inverness as the Kingdom of Kardia. Even with strength of arms, charisma, and magic, it took another 53 years to conquer and consolidate the lands to which he had laid claim.
Religion and Magic
Baronies of Kardia | |||||
Seat | Province | Family | Capitol | Resources | Counties |
4 | Abernay | Abernathy | Faireach | Wool, Peat, Honey, Candles | 6 |
5 | Eldweil | Eldwain | Port Silver | Seaports, Oysters, Pearls, Silver | |
6 | Gilverness | Gilvernay | Sapphrine | Hard Woods, Lumber, Rubies, Sapphires | |
7 | Kardathos | Kardain | Kyros | Dairy, Foodstuffs, Wheat | 3 |
1 | Lyrosia | Lyros | Kardia City/Lynnwood | Seaports, Trade Routes | 9 |
9 | Maranes | Maranor | Farthingdale | Lumber, Bowyers, Archers, Ship Wood | |
8 | Ormethay | Ormandal | Ormryth | Horses, Calvary, Vineyards | |
2 | Remainne | Remillard | Remarra | Ore, Mining, Gold, Copper, Iron, Stone, Emeralds, Metalsmiths | |
3 | Varay | Vareille | Invarein | Seaports, Trade Routes, Shipbuilding |