Rude Awakening
Last week's game saw a brawl in the common room of the Prancing Pony. The group was outnumbered and surrounded by slavers with trucheons. They were instructed to leave to city. There was some arguing and several attempts by Eriola to seduce all 12 slavers... It didn't work. The leader declared an ultimatum at least twice before following through on his threats on the third warning. A couple crossbows fired, a couple knives were thrown, and the slavers moved in.
After a fairly brutal tussle, Ali and Telecus were rendered UTC, and Eriola took serious damage to the face, she's going to need reconstructive surgery. Xandessa was left standing.
(Dorian fought defensively in a corner and managed to hold is own without significant damage to either side... Irma stepped back and surrendered and let the fight rage past and around her.)
Eventually, the attackers lost their leader and retreated from the inn. The inn was barricaded from the outside and set on fire. Smoke is pouring around the door and through the front windows.