The Rules

Rule #1: The night before you leave civization, enjoy it. Doubley so if you're going into danger. Before you go out to defend the lives of others, you need to remind yourself what life is.

Rule # 2: If you're going to get less than 3 hours of sleep, you might as well stay up. No sleep is better than too little.

Rule # 3: Always pack first.

Rule # 5: A night on the town requires a BIG breakfast.

What's Rule # 4 you ask? Sunscreen. Trust me on the sunscreen.

Rule # 6: Never use the mind thingy if you can use a phone!

Rule # 7: Here, have a glass of water.

Rule # 8: Just agree with them.

Rule #9: 'Jedi' is not a trump card when you're dealing with other Jedi.

Rule # 10: Don't get caught.

Developed on Brentaal before the group leaves for Nantel.