Guns Modifier Chart

1.3.2: Guns Modifier Chart

The chart from p.36 of The Star Wars Rules Companion is used to calculate to hit and damage bonuses for guns. It is a logarithmic chart, so the first few guns give the greatest bonus per gun. This is used in place of the combined actions rules found in 2nd Edition and makes the task of rolling the thousands of guns much simpler.

To determine the number of dice used to hit, add the crew gunnery skill to the fire control of the weapon being used to the appropriate to-hit/damage modifier from the chart below. Damage dice are determined by adding the to-hit/damage modifier to the base damage rating for the gun.

For example, the Corellian Corvette is firing its three forward facing turbolasers. The guns have Fire Control of 3D, Damage of 4D+2, and the crew has a skill of 4D+1. The to-hit/damage modifier from the table is 1D, so to hit they roll 8D+1. If they hit, they do 5D+2 damage.

Number of Guns To Hit/Damage Modifier
2 +2
3 1D
4 1D+1
6 1D+2
8 2D
12 2D+1
16 2D+2
24 3D
32 3D+1
48 3D+2
60 4D
90 4D+1
120 4D+2
180 5D
250 5D+1

Attacks are resolved as normal, with the to-hit dice being rolled against the evasion total. If that is hit, roll damage dice versus hull plus shields of the target. If ships coordinate fire, the attack takes place on the action of the vessel that has a lower initiative.

To Capital Ship Combat?.
To Capital Ship Damage.
To Capital Ship Combat Sequence.