Danger Sense

The Advantage

This is not the Force ability of the same name. Instead, this gives characters an undependable sense that something is wrong... With Danger Sense, the GM rolls Perception against a difficulty of 15. If you succeed, you get a warning and react as normal to an ambush, impending disaster, or similar hazard. If you succeed by more than ten, you get an indication of what the danger may be. You do not get a full round on any opponents as the Force ability. You simply get to react as if you were not surprised.

The Force Power

Sense Difficulty: Moderate or attacker's control roll.

Required Powers:Life detection

This power may be kept "up."

Effect:This power allows a Jedi to extend the Force around him like an early warning system. The Jedi detects any attacks the round before they have been made, giving him time to react to the danger. In game terms, any plans to attack the Jedi must be declared a round in advance. Characters with the Force my roll their control to avoid alerting the Jedi. This power has no effect once combat has been joined, unless watching out for additional attacks.