Republic Reckoning 5.32.87

Arvandus and Quindo find a stealable ship in Bay 13. Arvandus reprograms the autopilot to crash into the palace to provide a distraction. Our plan is to head to the palace overland and remotely active the ship. We'll then slip in in the confusion. Unfortunately, troops show up and surround the ship. They guard it after trying to hail whomever is inside. We're hoping that they'll think it's empty. Somehow, they know we're here. Sith Droids arrive and we can hear them walking on the outside of the ship. Fine, we're going to ride our distraction. Arvandus sets up the ships gun to fire using only its targetting computer and activates his autopilot program. Once clear of the hangar, we open the door and jump to the roof to the spaceport before the ship gets too high. The droids are still on the ship and fire at us as we jump. Arvandus and Quindo are able to block the bullets while falling backwards toward the roof, Quindo even damages one by throwing his spare lightsaber at it. Arvandus lands okay, Quindo hits hard, but just gets the wind knocked out of him. Ships take off and chase the decoy.

The spaceport is all one building, the edge of which is walled and drops 60 feet to a rocky plain. Arvandus tries to cut an angled grove to slide down but falls. Quindo grabs him with TK and drop him gently to the ground. Search ships are on the way, so Quindo just jumps. Arvandus returns the favor and slows his fall with TK. We try to find a place to hide but the plain is barren and featureless and there isn't time to cut back into the spaceport and the search ships know exactly where we are and drop dozens of Sith Attack Droids. We surrender and are taken prisoner.

We're not given a chance to escape on the way, so we end up in Force Negation Cages in the palace. Our decoy ship didn't damage the structure, it was shot down before it crashed. Everyone is separated and time passes. Quindo spends 2 days using Warp Mater to dig down through the floor to the buried generator. He uses the extra metal to make ball bearings and pointy sticks and throws them at his guards and cameras. He answers all questions with smartass comments and random gibberish. They put up lexan around the bars, and eventually just try to gas him. Quindo uses Body Control to gain enough time to Detox Poison. He tries to use him pants and a metal bar to bend the bars (like in the movies). It doesn't work really well and though the gas itself isn't harmful, the Sith eventually pump in enough that there's no oxygen in the room. Quindo still needs oxygen... and passes out.

For 2 weeks, our heroes were interrogated, tortured, and often unconscious. Quindo was starved, sleep deprived, subject to electric shock, and hosed down. Chris was subjected to unneccessary surgeries without anaesthesia on top of the above.

Igashu arrives stowed away in a cargo ship. He doesn't know we're here.