The Diaspora Of The Keepers Of The Vale
In the years following the Great Silence, the Keepers of the Vale constructed beautiful tree top Aeries in the Great Vale, the greatest of which was named Susurrus. In this time the Great Conclave was founded. Seven of the wisest and most learned of each caste, Choir, Audience and Phalanx were called to serve as leaders of the Keepers.
The Conclave’s first act was to send forth scouts from ranks of the Audience to explore the lands beyond the ice. What they found sent waves of fear through the ranks of the Keepers. Many other races that had once served the gods had survived the Great Silence. Some bent on continuing their progenitors’ work and some like themselves wish to walk their own path.
A great panic filled the hearts of the Keepers, a ravening horde far to the east in the lands beyond the ice was found. The Phalanx wished to strike at them before they could find the Vale but cooler heads amongst the Choir prevailed. A vast network of beacons would be built to warn the Keepers of the bestial horde’s advance. Also, a network of fortresses would be built about the perimeter of the Vale to seal it off from the outside world. The Audience would now search for allies and artifacts that could be used against the Horde for the Choir knew that the Keepers were not strong enough alone to destroy this new threat.
(Turn 3)